Where Is The Law ? How Do You Use This Knowledge When You Discover It ? And, How Dangerous Is This Knowledge
But ! More than all of the above is the QUESTION of your inalienable rights. How do they come about ? What Are These so-called rights ? And, how fragile are they ?

This site is about being indigenous - about discovering what creation has gifted to you - and, how to protect your rights in this world of vigorous Trade & Commerce - where warfare is the common denominator ... And, you are considered to be an insignificant microcosm - until, YOU stand and claim your Rights !
When you are born, there are a number of presumed and entrenched rights that are inalienable - there for the asking.

Therefore, it is your own duty to discover these elements of individual and social values; and, to establish your "turf" : to claim a piece of the rock - from which to harvest provisions for you and your family.
These tasks are daunting - sometimes, overwhelming and many times dangerous to claim ! But, if your should wish to follow the course of the Long Tears Council, you will gradually find recourse to this burden of hidden knowledge.